Get Inspired with These 57 Don’t Give Up Quotes or never give up that Will Help You Turn Your Dreams Into Reality. See more ideas about never give up quotes, never give up, quotes. Inspiring quotes about never giving up and Top Don’t Give Up Quotes About Life And Inspirational Sayings “Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense, everything that comes from love is a miracle.
- “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”
And never give up.
Don’t Give Up Quote
Looking for little motivational words for your daily trouble un your routine life. Here are the best 57 don’t give up quotes about life sayings. Photo credits Pinterest
“1. Don’t give up on the people you love. Your patience and faithfulness may be exactly what they need to make a complete turnaround.”
“2. Hey you, don’t give up, okay? You’re allowed to scream. You’re allowed to cry. Just don’t give up.”
“3. Dance like no one is watching. Because they’re not. They’re checking their phones.”
“4. Prayer over loneliness father god, we lift before you all those who are feeling lonely. We ask that you comfort them with your presence and surround them with your love. Remind them that when everyone else has left, you are still there and that you love them like no one else can! in Jesus’ name, amen!”
“5. Don’t give up for all the trying times in your life don’t ever give up don’t ever lose that spark of hope even at times when you feel like giving up at times when the journey gets too difficult and plagued with too many uncertainties keep that faith alive and never ever get tired of somebody soon the tides will turn and a new ray of sunshine is born”
“6. Just for today, I will not be angry, I will not worry I will be grateful for my many blessings I will do my work honestly I will be kind to all living things”
“7. Listen to your intuition that’s saying, “I’m ready for change, for the next level of expression and growth and vitality and love.”
“8. Dignity. It means a belief in oneself, that one is worthy of the best. It means that what I have to say is important, and I will say it when it’s important for me to say it. Dignity really means that I deserve the best treatment I can receive. And that I have the responsibility to give the best treatment I can to other people.”
“9. Be yourself no matter what people think God made you the way you are for a reason. Besides an original is always worth more than a copy!”
“10. It is during the worst storms of your life that you will get to see the true colors of the people who say they care for you.”
“11. Dance before the music is over. Live your life is over.”
“12. Change the way you… Look at things and the things you look at… Change“
“13. When love is real, it finds a way.”
“14. I know things are hard right now. You’re going to be okay, but it might take a while. It might be scary, and you might want to give up. Don’t give up. You can do this. Things won’t be this way forever. One day, you’re going to be so proud of yourself.”
“15. It’s your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.”
“16. Don’t give up when things go wrong as they sometimes will, when the road you’re trudging seems all uphill, when funds are low and debts are high, and you want to smile but you have to sigh, when care is pressing you down a bit, rest, if you must, but don’t you quit.”
“17. Everything comes to you. In the right moment. Be patient. Be grateful.”
“18. The ones who notice the storms in your eyes, the silence in your voice and the heaviness in your heart are the ones you need to let in.”
“19. A prayer against a disease you died and rose for our sins and that we may have eternal life, lord. I believe in my heart that you are here with us today and that with your most holy power will remove all sicknesses and evils that roam the earth. Amen.”
“20. For every moment you lose a little hope, your loved one is whispering… Pain with you.”
“21. Prayer for family unity dear god, thank you for the gift of family that you have given me. You know my heart hurts because of the disharmony in my family. I have lost my peace and my health because of the messy situation in our home. I have no one to turn to but you, Lord. You alone can understand the hearts of your followers as you have created each and every one of us. Only you can bring together the hearts of your men together. Help me forgive other family members, O Lord. Let my family not defile your name with this disunity. Help us forgive one another for the mistakes we have done to each other and bring us back together in your name, father god. Fill each one of us with your love and understand so we can fully exalt your name in glory. I know that you will bring back the peace and unity that was once present in our home. I ask this in the precious name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.”
“22. Focus on *simple* today: Breathe in, breathe out, give blessings, accept blessings, repeat.”
“23. I won’t give up on you… So don’t give up on me…”
“24. People push you to your limits and when you finally explode and fight back they think you’re the mean one!”
“25. Happiness comes when we stop complaining about the troubles we have and offer thanks for all the troubles we don’t have.”
“26. Dear ocean, thank you for making us feel so tiny. Humbled. Inspired. And salty, all at once.”
“27. You were born to be real, not to be perfect. You’re here to be you, not to be what someone else wants you to be. Stand up for yourself, look them in the eye, and say “don’t judge me until you know me, don’t underestimate me until you’ve challenged me, and don’t talk about me until you’ve talked to me.”
“28. The moment you are ready to quit usually is the moment right before the miracle happens. Don’t give up.”
“29. Don’t give up what you want long term for what feels good short term. Avoid the terrible trade.”
“30. Each morning I bring my requests to the lord and wait expectantly. Psalm 5:3”
“31. I will never stop being a solid person with a good heart. I just hope one day it stops leading me down paths where I get screwed over.”
“32. Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. When there are love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong.”
“33. Don’t give up the beginning is always the hardest”
Quotes About Life
“34. You tie the knot when I’m at the end of my rope you never stop believin’ in me when I don’t know who I am or what I am supposed to be don’t give ya no good reason but baby don’t give up on me”
“35. Don’t give up! the beginning is always the hardest part.”
“36. Don’t give up, okay? I know you’ve been hurt. I know how it feels. Believe me, I do. But the feeling will pass. The tear will stop falling. Your heart will heal itself.”
“37. When life gives you a hundred reasons to break down and cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile and laugh. Stay strong.”
“38. But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded. 2 Chronicles 15:7”
“39. Don’t give up now”
“40. Don’t give up an love because there is always someone who loves you. Even if it’s not the person you were hoping for.”
“41. Having a rough day? Place your hand over your heart. Feel that? That’s called purpose. You’re alive for a reason. Don’t give up.”
“42. Don’t “ever” give up”
“43. Don’t give up! Stay in school. Life’s an uphill battle without a high school diploma.”
“44. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up, and never give up.”
“45. Don’t give up. Your life and your dreams are too precious. Some creations take much longer than you want them to. But as you hold your intentions high, you allow for the molecules of the universe to rearrange to accommodate the new dreams that are in your heart. They may not look quite like you think they will, but one day, they will arrive. Your job is to keep being you. To surround yourself with loving ᶓ kind people who will cheer you on, especially when you feel like you might not make it on your own. Your job is to keep the voices in your head, cheering you on, too. Don’t let the shadow seduce you. You are vibrant and more amazing than you know, and one day you will find yourself in a brighter expression of your life. In the meanwhile, we are here cheering you on and reminding you of who you have come here to be. We love you.”
“46. Don’t give up! With god all things are possible”
“47. Appreciate those who don’t give up on you.”
Inspirational Sayings
“48. Don’t give up just because things are hard.”
“49. Never give up on something you really want. It’s difficult to wait, but more difficult to regret.”
“50. Never give up, never look down and never look back. Always move forward in life. Don’t let anyone make you feel as if you don’t belong or unworthy of… ever. Those that do are just not strong enough to handle such greatness. Be proud of who you are. Always walk with your head high, you are never alone…”
“51. The moment you are ready to quit usually is the moment right before the miracle happens. Don’t give up.”
“52. “Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.”
“53. Good things come to those who believe, better things come to those who are patient and the best things come to those who don’t give up.”
“54. You may see me struggle, but you’ll never see me quit.”
“55. Keep going. Each step may get harder, but don’t stop. The view at the top is beautiful.”
“56. Yes, I did it! I will do it I can do it I’ll try to do it how do I do it? I want to do it I can’t do it I won’t do it which step have you reached today?”
“57. Don’t give up. Sometimes you have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life.”
Never Give Up…
Don’t forget to read these motivational words about finishing strong to help you keep going. A study in the Journal of Educational Psychology found that students who stuck with their schoolwork despite problems did better in school and were more likely to finish their degrees. Students can use “never give up” quotes to remember them that their hard work and determination will pay off in the long run.