100 Thank You Teacher Messages and Quotes – What To Say To A Teacher

Teacher’s Day is a time to appreciate the essential role teachers play in shaping our lives, beyond textbooks to life’s important lessons.

Thank You Teacher Messages and Quotes – what to say to a teacher. A great teacher is a treasure to students, parents, and the community. Express your appreciation to excellent educators with a card of thanks – shared online, texted, or printed and posted. Most of all, follow through on your good intentions. A few words of gratitude lift and encourage, but not if we never send them. Thank you for inspiring me to be my best, and for being there to guide me when I needed help.

Having you in my life opened my eyes to my own inner strength and has motivated me to become and do more. You have been an incredible teacher of lessons both inside and outside of the classroom. I could never thank you enough. See more ideas quotes about teacher quotes, teacher appreciation quotes, congratulation messages, thank you teacher messages.

Thank You Teacher Messages

#1. Thank you teacher for all the things you have done for me.

#2. I had so many ways to get to my destination, but you showed me the right one. Only a wise teacher can do that. I am really thankful to you!

#3. I just wanted to send a quick thank you message to appreciate your huge support and effort.

thank you teacher messages and wishes
thank you teacher messages and wishes

#4. I wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed your class. Your class was fun and I learned a lot from you. I wish all of my teachers were more like you. Thank you so much.

#5. I learned a lot in your class because you took the extra time to explain things clearly. You gave me the extra help I needed. Thank you for giving me your time.

#6. Anyone would give you an A+ for being such an awesome teacher. Thank you for everything!

#7. Thank you for giving the confidence which will surely help the students in every sphere of life.

#8. I’m so thankful you were my teacher. You fostered in me a love for learning and opened a world of opportunity for me. Thank you for setting me on my path to success!

#9. You truly are one incredible teacher! Many thanks for all the joy-filled days and the invaluable lessons that you have shared with me! Please never change!

#10. A teacher like you is truly a gift. Thank you for helping me to believe in myself and come out of my shell this year.

#11. My knowledge and my intellect are much more developed and complete thanks to you, teacher. My heart expresses gratitude for you, today and for forever. Many thanks!

#12. To the Best Teacher Ever! Thank you for making a difference! You are appreciated!

#13. Thank you for being such a one-of-a-kind teacher!!!

#14. Miss Michelle, you’re appreciated more than “Thank You” can ever express, but it’s a start!

Thank You Message For Teachers From Student

#16. Thank you for creating such a great environment to learn and where we were encouraged to express our own thoughts and opinions.

#17. You have changed so many lives with your knowledge and wisdom. But I thank you especially for changing my life. Thank you, teacher, for everything that you did!

#18. You deserve a big thank you for all the sleepless nights that you spent preparing our lessons. Thank you, teacher. You are the best.

thank you message for teacher
thank you message for teacher

#19. Thank you for teaching me to express myself and work outside of my comfort zone. I was lucky to be in your class!

#20. When I grow up, I hope I love my job as much as you love yours. Thank you for being my biggest role model.

#21. Thank you for being my absolute favorite teacher! Your energy, humor, and compassion are what made all the difference for me.

#22. Thank you for being such an extraordinary teacher. Your patience and extra effort really helped our child to succeed.

#23. Thank you, Mrs. Schnepp, for being a teacher who cares about what we learn and who we are becoming.

#24. You really know how to put a smile on someone’s face and knowledge in someone’s head. Thank you!

#25. Thank you, Mrs. Sanders! With appreciation, Bobbe

#26. Thank you for seeing the good in every one of your students. You are appreciated!

#27. Thank you for all that you do. Your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. You’re appreciated!

#28. Leading the youth of the future is no easy task. Expanding and opening the young minds of tomorrow is the hardest job anyone could ever have. If anyone was ever up to the task, it would be you. Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do.

#29. I became a better student because you genuinely cared for me and I didn’t want to let you down. I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

#30. You are such a wonderful teacher who has shown me that learning can actually be and fun. Being part of this school year with you is something that I’ll never take forget and I cannot express my gratitude enough. Thank you.

thank you message to teacher from parents
thank you message to teacher from parents

#31. We had a lot of fun and laughs in your classes but when it was time to learn, you were all business. We learned so much in your class and we are eternally grateful for your guidance and concern for our futures. Thank you for being such a great teacher!

#32. Well, you managed to do the impossible — make me excited to come to an am class! You are a great prof.

#33. Dear Teacher, we both know I’m not always the most well-behaved kid. Thank you for accepting me as I am, and welcoming me into your class. I will never forget you.

#34. Dear TA, I know I didn’t always make things easy for you during class discussions, but you made time for me anyway. Thank you for being my class leader.

#35. This year was better than I expected — in fact, it was amazing. I learned a lot of new things from you, like xxxxxxx. You’re a good teacher because you explain things so well, and you always include everyone in discussions, so no one feels incompetent or self-conscious. Thank you for showing me I have self-confidence, and inspiring me to act like it.

Thank You Teacher Messages From Parents

#37. We cannot thank you enough for the positive impacts you have created on so many young children. Thank you. You are the best teacher.

#38. Very few teachers work so hard to prepare their lessons for the next day. You are truly one of a kind! Thank you for all your hard work.

#39. You are a role model for our children. Thank you for your wonderful job. Your service to the creation of an enlightened generation will always be remembered!

thank you teacher quotes
thank you teacher quotes

#40. Since the day you took the responsibility for educating our kids, their progress has been impressive. Thank you for your impact. We cannot thank you enough.

#41. Let’s begin with some letter-starters for the parents of elementary-school-aged students.

#42. Let’s model the habit of appreciation early:

#43. Thank You Note Examples Parents Can Write to Their Child’s Teacher

#44. It’s been great having you as my teacher this year! Thanks for everything, Mr. Zaner!

#45. We appreciate the job you do, and we love the person you are! Thank you for a great year!

#46. From your teaching in our classroom to all the papers you correct,

#47. You’ve given every effort, and you’ve earned my deep respect.

#48. Even though you made me stand in the corner a lot, I would still rather be in your classroom each day than anywhere else in the world. You are the best teacher I have ever had. I hope your corner finds a worthy replacement for me next year.

#49. Without your kindness, care, and patience the future would be a dark and dreary place. Please never forget how much you are appreciated by those whose lives you’ve touched and those whose lives you have yet to be a part of. Thanks for being a great teacher.

Thank You Teacher Quotes

#51. Most other teachers don’t look out for their students the way you do. Thank you for really caring about your students and knowing when there is something wrong. You are more than just a teacher.

#52. Being a teacher isn’t easy, so I just want to let you know that I appreciate all of the hard work that you have put in. Thank you for a wonderful year.

#53. You have and will continue to be a great influence on me. Thank you for the great work you do and the huge impact you make in young people’s lives as a teacher.

thank you teacher
thank you teacher

#54. “A good teacher can inspire hope; ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.” Brad Henry

#55. “A mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” Oliver Wendell Holmes

#56. “Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the educational system.” Sidney Hook

#57. You are not just a teacher. You are also a mentor and a friend. Thanks for all you do for me.

#58. When I come to school and see you, I just know it’s going to be a good day. Thank you for being a supportive and devoted teacher.

#59. Thank you for taking the time to make sure that things always clicked. It was a blast having you as a teacher!

#60. With your help, I am so proud of all I have achieved. Thank you for being such an extraordinary teacher.

#61. I don’t think I could’ve gotten through this year without you. When I needed it the most, you were there to help. Thank you for all of your guidance and support.

#62. “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” Henry Brooks Adams

#63. “Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers.” Josef Albers

#64. “I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well.” Alexander the Great

#65. “If you want to be successful, it’s just this simple. Know what you are doing. Love what you are doing. And believe in what you are doing.” Will Rodgers

#66. “Anyone who does anything to help a child in his life is a hero to me.” Fred Rogers (Mister Rogers)

#67. “Most of us end up with no more than five or six people who remember us. Teachers have thousands of people who remember them for the rest of their lives.” Andy Rooney

#68. Dear [ teacher’s name ], I’ll miss our long walks to the principal’s office together but my mission is done and I must be moving on. While you are probably planning a party now, by next year you will probably find yourself missing my comic relief. On a serious note – Thanks for being a great teacher.

#69. The best lessons are not learned from a book but from the hearts of truly great teachers like you. I’m so grateful for the important school and life lessons you taught me. Thank you for caring about my future.

Thank You Teacher

#71. It is impossible to put a price tag on the kind of education our child receives because as a teacher, your guidance is truly priceless. Thank you.

#72. Thanks for the joy that you brought into [Child’s Name] every school day, he/she always comes home with a big smile on his/her face.

#73. We parents may be accountants, scientists, doctors, and engineers – but nothing contributes to the nation’s development more than the sacrifices made by teachers. Thank you.

thank you teacher message from parents for encouraging child
thank you teacher message from parents for encouraging child

#74. A good teacher is someone who can think like a student, look like a parent, and behave like a boss. You are the boss our kid is lucky to have. Thanks.

#75. This dissertation was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but with your guidance, I made it through. Thank you!

#76. I can’t believe we made it to the end! You were right beside me all along, and for that, I’m so incredibly grateful.

#77. You have shown me that I can do anything I put my mind to. Thank you for having faith in me.

#78. You are a shining light in my life – someone who has guided me when I was in darkness. Thank you for being a confidant, mentor, and friend.

#79. A good teacher doesn’t just shape your academic life, but they shape the person you will become too. Thank you for helping me be a better person.

#80. When we first started working together I had no idea how to do my dissertation. With your patience and support, I was able to make it through. Thanks so much! I’ll never forget your kindness.

#81. I didn’t know who to approach for help when I was struggling. I’d heard you were a welcoming and kind teacher, so I came to you. I’m so glad I did. Thanks for everything you’ve done for me!

#82. Many other people will be getting the teacher chocolates. Maybe, instead, go for a coffee gift pack! We work long days teaching, preparing classes, and grading papers. Coffee keeps us going!

#83. Thank you for providing me with all the knowledge and moral support I need to be able to face my future. You will always be my best teacher!

#84. The passion you have for your job and what you teach is contagious! We always look forward to your classes – A big “Thank you!” from all your students!

Short Thank You Wishes for Teachers

#86. Teacher, you always had faith in me even when I didn’t. Thank you for helping me through this year of school. I couldn’t have done it without you.

#87. Teachers are our second parents, friends, and confidantes. Thank you for all that you’ve done for me this year. I hope we stay in touch for a long time to come.

#88. Thanks for a great first week of class. The class was so inspiring and I can’t wait for what’s to come for the rest of the course. See you in class!

#89. Hi! That was a really tough week! Thanks for helping us to understand it all this week, and I can’t wait for what’s to come in this course.

#90. Your door is always open and that has made so much of a difference to me over the past few months. Thank you for always being there for me. I hope this note is a little reminder of just how great a teacher you are!

#91. Dear [ teacher’s name ], I just got back from an important meeting at the principal’s office. I’ve officially requested that you be promoted to the next grade with me. This year was so much fun and I don’t want for it to end.

#92. A truly great teacher inspires the desire for knowledge and success in her students. You’ve made me realize that I can do anything if I will only work hard and believe in myself. Thank you for showing me my true potential and providing the motivation I needed.

#93. I am never going to find a teacher more perfect than you! You’ve been my guide, my support, and my mentor throughout all these years and for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Inspiring Teacher Quotes

#95. Hi! You may not have realized it, but you were an inspiration to me throughout this school year. Your passion for the topic really rubbed off on me, and other students too! Thanks so much.

#96. Just a happy note to you today: you were born to be a teacher! Your patience is endless and your passion is so evident. Thanks a million!

#97. Hi! Just a quick note to say I was blown away by our classes in Week 1. You’re obviously such a passionate and intelligent teacher. I can’t wait to learn from you!

#98. I’ve never come across a teacher like you. You speak to us like we’re intelligent and capable of anything. It’s such a breath of fresh air, and I can’t wait to learn more from you!

#99. Writing a 15,000-word thesis seemed like an impossible task at the start. You helped me to break it down and see how it was manageable if only I put my time and energy into it. Day by day, it all came together and I’m so happy with the result. Thank you so much for all you did for me!

#100. Writing so many words was like climbing the tallest mountain!!! You walked alongside me the whole way, giving me advice and tips. You showed me how to break it down into manageable parts and used your deep knowledge to show me the way. Thanks so much!

#101. You’ve given me the strength necessary to face the world. I am so grateful for everything you’ve taught me.

#102. The biggest lesson you ever taught me was simple: to believe in myself. I can now say that thanks to you, I do.

#103. Thank you for being such an exceptional teacher. You went out of your way to make sure I understood all of the lessons, and I’m thrilled you took the extra time for me!

#104. It’s a gift to be taught by a teacher as understanding as you. You really know just how we feel, and we can’t thank you enough for your patience.

#105. You are an amazing teacher and I want to thank you for guiding me on my educational journey and teaching me that the learning process never truly ends even after we finish school.

#106. I just wanted to let you know what an exceptional teacher you are in the hearts of your pupils. Thank you for inspiring us to do our best in all things and to always believe in our dreams. Your care and time have made all the difference in the world.

#107. While most adults are always too busy to talk, you really listen to what we have to say. We can tell by your actions that you truly care about us, and want every success for us in life. Because of this, we have grown to love and care about you too. We will miss you, teacher.

#108. I’ve often sat and wondered why you decided to become a school teacher. Perhaps it was the allure of crowded classrooms, cafeteria food, and noisy kids. I’m so glad because I can’t imagine a better person to spend nine months with.

#109. Express your gratitude for all that your teacher does, with a heartfelt handwritten thank-you note — if your teacher is retiring, don’t wait until the end of the school year or Teacher Appreciation Day!

#110. Good teachers help guide us to develop our potentials and embrace our strengths.

#111. Express your gratitude for your teacher with a heartfelt thank-you note, and maybe give them an inexpensive yet thoughtful gift to show your appreciation, too.

Funny Congratulations Messages Images and Quotes

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