110 Broken Heart Quotes On Depression And Anxiety

Broken heart quotes. Looking for the quotes on depression and depression sayings deal with different aspects of the life breakup quotes about love heart. These grief quotes can empower you to discard and march on along with your life. take care to even have a glance at our fine choice of uplifting breakup quotes.

There is no other way to put it: Getting your heart broken sucks. It is both mentally and physically exhausting and can feel like your entire world is falling apart. But let us just say that you are going to get through it, even if it doesn’t feel like it now. Love is the most powerful force on earth. It will move mountains and makes the planet around you sparkle with joy. The magic bit love adds to your life is each intoxicating and amazing. However, once a supernatural relationship is slowly returning to a finish or once your love is one-sided and unreturned, it is often torturously painful.

Short love Quotes about depression sayings and anxiety “Not solely will it feel as if the opposite person injured you within the heart however it additionally looks as if the emotional wounds merely don’t heal. Being hurt therefore deeply by somebody who you’ve spread out your heart and soul is painful on the far side activity. to assist you in slowly healing your grief, we’ve collected some terribly special. Following are widespread broken heart quotes and sayings with pictures. We’ve compiled a listing of the most effective 110+ Top quotes regarding being brokenhearted.

“Let’s hope that for every time that we get hurt or break our heart, there is something somewhere being written to make up for it, to make the happiness due even bigger and laughter even merrier, for after all good things must happen to good people.” Mansi Soni

110 Heart Touching Broken Heart Quotes
Heart Touching Broken Heart Quotes

“How can you forget the day your heart is broken? The funny thing about a broken heart is that it’s not fatal. Though you wish in vain that it were, life continues on and you have no choice but to continue on with it. You take the hand that fate has dealt you and you press forward because there is nothing else that can be done.“ Tracy Winegar

Broken Heart Quotes

These quotes on depression and depression sayings deal with different aspects of the illness such as grief, sadness, loneliness and other sad love broken quotes about love heart.

1. “A broken heart is just the growing pains necessary so that you can love more completely when the real thing comes along.” J.S.B. Morse

2. “Broken heart will turn into a stronger one within hope.”

3. “When love is lost, do not bow your head in sadness; instead keep your head up high and gaze into heaven for that is where your broken heart has been sent to heal.”

4. “A broken heart in real life isn’t half as dreadful as it is in books. […] It takes spells of aching and gives you a sleepless night now and then, but between times it lets you enjoy life and dreams as if there were nothing the matter with it.” L.M. Montgomery

5. “A broken heart bleeds tears.” Steve Maraboli

6. “Behind my smile is a broken heart, behind my laugh I’m falling apart. Behind my eyes are tears at night, behind my body is a soul trying to fight.”

7. “I’m really a very happy, contented little person in spite of my broken heart.” L.M. Montgomery

8. “I know what it’s like to have a broken heart. I know what it’s like to feel pain: When my songs don’t become hits, it breaks my heart. There are a million ways to break a heart. I can relate.” – Diane Warren

9. “A broken heart does not mean you are broken. The crack is there to let the light in.” – Unknown

10. “Sometimes, the only soul that can mend a broken heart is the one that broke it. For they are the ones holding all the pieces.” Patti Roberts

11. “Listen to God with a broken heart. He is not only the doctor who mends it but also the father who wipes away the tears.“
Criss Jami

12. “You have to leave your broken heart in a place where- when the woman who knows how to see what a gift is, sees it- your broken heart can be picked up again.” C. JoyBell C.

13. “I’ve been heartbroken. I’ve broken hearts. That’s part of life, and it’s part of figuring out who you are so you can find the right partner. – Heidi Klum

14. “I don’t know why they call it heartbreak. It feels like every other part of my body is broken too.”

15. “A broken heart is the worst. It’s like having broken ribs. Nobody can see it but the pain is unbearable every time you breathe.”

16. “A broken heart is such a shabby thing, like poverty and failure and the incurable diseases which are also deforming. I hate it and am ashamed of it, and I must somehow repair this heart and put it back into its normal condition, as a tough somewhat scarred but operating organ.” Martha Gellhorn

17. “The best way to heal a broken heart, it turns out, is to find a way to move past the hurt.” – Mary Kay Andrews

18. “Broken heart will turn into a stronger one within hope.” Toba Bet

110 Broken Heart Quotes

19. “A tormented mind wants to forget, what a broken heart will always remember.“ Anthony Liccione

20. “So, how do you heal a broken heart? Time and words heal all wounds. Even though it is you who need to go through all those pain, these heartbroken quotes (quotes for broken hearts) would help you to lighten your mood. Which in turn, would help you to recover from that feeling faster.”

21. “I’d rather love a million times and have my heart broken every time than hold a permanently empty heart forever.“
H.C. Paye

22. “I am not a broken heart. I am not collarbones or drunken letters never sent. I am not the way I leave or left or didn’t know how to handle anything, at any time, and I am not your fault.“
Charlotte Eriksson

23. “I wish I were a little girl again because skinned knees are easier to fix than a broken heart.” – Julia Roberts

24. “Every broken heart has screamed at one time or another, “I want to know why!” Shannon L. Alder

25. “Grief is the price of love. But hearts are made to mend. Christ can do wonders with a broken heart if given all the pieces.” Suzanne Woods Fisher

26. You don’t die from a broken heart.. you only wish you did. – Unknown

Broken Heart Quotes About Love

27. “It is only with true love and compassion that we can begin to mend what is broken in the world. It is these two blessed things that can begin to heal all broken hearts.” Steve Maraboli

28. “It’s hard asking someone with a broken heart to fall in love again.” – Eric Kripke

110 Broken Heart Quotes About Love

29. “Love is unconditional. Relationships are not.” – Grant Gudmunson

30. “When it comes to love and loss, acceptance is never easy. We can’t make someone see all we have to give, make them love us, or make them change. All we can do is move on and stop wasting time.“ April Mae Monterrosa

31. “The saddest thing about love is that not only that it cannot last forever, but that heartbreak is soon forgotten.” – William Faulkner

32. “It takes a strong heart to love, but it takes an even stronger heart to continue to love after it’s been hurt.”

33. You can’t buy love, but you can pay heavily for it. – Henny Youngman

34. “Let no one who loves is called altogether unhappy. Even love unreturned has its rainbow.” J.M. Barrie

35. “You will never know true happiness until you have truly loved, and you will never understand what pain really is until you have lost it.”

36. “I cannot love anyone else the way I love you… It’s just impossible.”

37. “You can love them, forgive them, want good things for them, but still move on without them.” – Mandy Hale

38. “For my part, I prefer my heart to be broken. It is so lovely, dawn-kaleidoscopic within the crack.” D.H. Lawrence

39. “A broken heart is just the growing pains necessary so that you can love more completely when the real thing comes along.” – J.S.B. Morse

40. “I think that you never fall out of love with somebody, you just let go and move on.” —Ashley Rickards Broken Heart Quotes

41. “Your experience of grief is powerful, yet so is your ability to love and heal.” – Unknown

42. “Moving on isn’t about not loving someone anymore and forgetting them. It’s about having the strength to say I still love you, but you’re not worth this pain.” – Ritu Ghatourey

43. “Love is the most beautiful of dreams and the worst of nightmares.” Aman Jassal

44. Unrequited love does not die; it’s only beaten down to a secret place where it hides, curled and wounded. – Elle Newmark

45. “Love lasts about seven years. That’s how long it takes for the cells of the body to totally replace themselves.” – Francoise Sagan

46. “Love is hard to find, hard to keep, and hard to forget.” Alysha Speer

47. “It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” – Alfred Lord Tennyson

48. “There is no remedy for love but to love more.” – Henry David Thoreau

Sad Love Quotes About Broken Heart

49. “Today my forest is dark. The trees are sad and all the butterflies have broken wings.”

50. “Have you ever been so sad that it physically hurts inside?”

51. “Sadness flies away on the wings of time.”- Jean de La Fontaine

52. “Sadness flies on the wings of the morning and out of the heart of darkness comes the light. ” – Jean Giraudoux

53. The saddest thing about love is that not only that it cannot last forever, but that heartbreak is soon forgotten. – William Faulkner

54. Love that remains longest in your heart is the one that is not returned. – Unknown

Moving On & Letting Go Quotes

55. “If you’ve fallen down, today is the day you can get back up and try again.”– Amelie Chance

56. “The shattering of a heart when being broken is the loudest quiet ever.“ Carroll Bryant

57. “Sometimes the only way the good Lord can get into some hearts is to break them.” Fulton J. Sheen

58. “Love is never supposed to hurt. Love is supposed to heal, to be your haven from misery, to make living worthwhile.” Mia Asher

59. “If only you would come back and see what damage you create, I’ve been waiting for your return since forever more…” Mehek Bassi

60. “I don’t want to break someone’s heart, but you can’t control that. A broken heart happens; that’s inevitable.” – Lykke Li

61. “Every time your heart is broken, a doorway cracks open to a world full of new beginnings, new opportunities.” – Patti Roberts

62. “The worst feeling ever is not knowing whether you should wait.” – Broken Heart Quotes

63. “One day you’re going to remember me and how much I loved you… then you’re gonna hate yourself for letting me go.”– Aubrey Drake Graham

110 Moving On Letting Go Quotes

64. “Pain makes you stronger, fear makes you braver, heartbreak makes you wiser.” – Unknown

65. “This time I wouldn’t forget him, because I couldn’t ever forgive him – for breaking my heart twice.” – James Patterson

66. “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.” – J. K. Rowling

67. “One of the most courageous decisions you’ll ever make is to finally let go of what is hurting your heart and soul.” – B. Nicole

68. “When the wrong people leave your life, the right things start to happen.” – Unknown

69. “Having your heart broken is a different type of pain than breaking someone’s heart. While guilt is heavier, grief is more alienating. As victims of someone else’s mistakes, it is harder to accept the pain inflicted on us.”

70. No matter how hard your heart is broken, the world doesn’t stop for your grief. – Faraaz Kazi

Quotes About Broken Heart

71. You left, and the world didn’t crumble. I owe the universe a dollar. – Rudy Francisco

72. Ever has it been that love knows not its own death until the hour of separation? – Khalil Gibran

73. Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. – M. Kathleen Casey

74. “Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass – It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.” – Vivian Greene

75. “Life always waits for some crisis to occur before revealing itself at its most brilliant.” – Paulo Coelho

76. “You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.” – Unknown

77. “You are responsible for your life. You can’t keep blaming somebody else for your dysfunction. Life is really about moving on.” – Oprah Winfrey

78. “There comes a time in your life when you have to choose to turn the page, write another book or simply close it.” – Shannon L Alder

79. “In the depths of sorrow we will eventually find an unwavering light.” – Unknown

80. Long after I have given up, my heart still searches for you without my permission – Rudy Francisco

81. A year ago, everything was different. And now that I look back, I realize that a year can do a lot to a person.

82. The worst feeling in the world is when you can’t love anyone else because your heart still belongs to the one who broke it.

83. For once, I want to talk to you again, just like the old times.

84. “The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it.” – Nicholas Sparks

85. “If you start to miss me, remember: I didn’t walk away, you let me go.”

86. “If people refuse to look at you in a new light and they can only see you for what you were, only see you for the mistakes you’ve made, if they don’t realize that you are not your mistakes, then they have to go.” – Steve Maraboli

87. “It hurts to breathe because every breath I take proves I can’t live without you.”

88. “No matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn’t stop for your grief.” Faraaz Kazi

89. “Less is less. Heartbreak is heartbreak. You think I’m sitting here gloating. Telling myself that my suffering beats yours? Hurt is hurt. You don’t measure these things.” Stephanie Kallos

90. “I miss you in waves and tonight I’m drowning. You left me fending for my life and it feels like you’re the only one who can bring me back to the shore alive.” Denice Envall

91. “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.” Richard Puz

92. “Sometimes it takes a heartbreak to shake us awake and help us see we are worth so much more than we’re settling for.” Mandy Hale

93. Beautiful quote about broken heart “One day you’re going to remember me and how much I loved you… then you’re gonna hate yourself for letting me go.” Aubrey Drake Graham

94. My feet will want to walk to where you are sleeping but I shall go on living. – Pablo Neruda

95. The most important thing is to accept the pain, feel it and let it go. Hopefully, the above have given you the motivation you need to move forward after a heartbreak.

96. “Follow your own path and let people talk.” – Dante Broken Heart Quotes

97. “Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it’s all over.” – Octavia Butler

98. “The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.”– Steve Maraboli

99. “Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.”- Mark Twain

100. Everyone thinks I’ve gotten better. I haven’t. I’ve just gotten better at hiding it.

101. “There are many ways of breaking a heart. Stories were full of hearts broken by love, but what really broke a heart was taking away its dream – whatever that dream might be.” – Pearl S. Buck

102. “I thought you were healing me. But no, you just broke me even more.”

103. “A broken heart is the worst. It’s like having broken ribs. Nobody can see it, but it hurts every time you breathe.”

104. “There is nothing more heartbreaking than to see the woman you love, the one woman you would do anything to protect, is the woman who is afraid of you.” Mallika Nawal

105. “There comes a time in your life when you have to choose to turn the page, write another book or simply close it.” Shannon L. Alder

106. “I know my heart will never be the same but I’m telling myself I’ll be okay.” Sara Evans

107. “It is our wounds that create in us a desire to reach for miracles. The fulfillment of such miracles depends on whether we let our wounds pull us down or lift us up towards our dreams.” Jocelyn Soriano

108. “And anything that might hurt me would just make me stronger in the end.” Elizabeth Eulberg

109. “It is strange how often a heart must be broken before the years can make it wise.” Sara Teasdale

110. Quote about broken heart “Don’t cry when the sun is gone, because the tears won’t let you see the stars.” Violeta Parra

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