Happy Easter Poems: People have already made their preparations to welcome the festival of Happy Easter with a great deal of enthusiasm, and the holiday is just about to arrive. On the day of Easter, one of the primary customs that people follow with zeal is going to church and reciting Easter prayers and Easter poems in front of an effigy of Jesus Christ while singing Easter hymns. This is one of the most important traditions associated with Easter. Prayers and poems written about Easter are one way that Christians show gratitude to Jesus Christ for his selfless act of giving his life for the sake of the rest of humanity. We have gathered the most pristine and religious selection of happy Easter poems and happy Easter prayers for you to recite with friends and family members on Easter Day and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This will allow you to reach the pinnacle of spiritualism and wash away all of the sins that you have committed in front of Jesus Christ. In addition, you will be able to experience the highest point of spiritualism. You will be able to better experience biblical spiritualism and enjoy the Easter vibes with the help of these Easter poems and prayers.
Happy Easter Poems
♥ Good and gracious God, our most glorious Creator,
as we greet the signs in nature around us,
of Spring once again regaling us in bloom,
in the songs of returning birds
and fields soon to be planted,
we give you praise for an even greater sign of new life:
the resurrection of your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ,
that we especially celebrate at this time.
The sadness and despair of his death have given way to
the bright promise of immortality.
For the Resurrection is our guarantee
that justice will triumph over treason,
light will overcome darkness,
and love will conquer death.
♥ We praise you in this Easter season.
Change our lives, change our hearts to be
messengers of Easter joy and hope.
We make our prayer through Jesus Christ,
our risen Lord forever. Amen.
♥ Thy glory Oh! Great Jesus,
you died yet you come,
thy miracle is Oh great Jesus,
that you’ve come from hell.
♥ You took pain of us,
you took sins of us,
you took punish of us,
you never say how terrible pain you going,
and you died for us,
to again live for us, clean us and guide us.
♥ Show us the path Jesus,
show us the lead,
show us the way,
that we could know you, in your entirety,
show us how to read holy father,
show us how to reach in heaven, as you are.
♥ Creator God and Lord of Life,
You who call forth from the darkness of death
all those who love You, we rejoice,
on this Easter Sunday, in the resurrection
from the dead of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Visit our home and this table with Your bright blessing
of peace and life. We pause in the midst of this prayer
to remember all the holy dead of our family
who live now in You and who await the final
and glorious resurrection of the dead.
Best Easter Poems That Will Help You Celebrate Easter
♥ May they and we, because of our faith in You,
our God, taste in the victory of life over death.
May the Risen Christ, our Lord and Savior,
be our guest as we celebrate His resurrection
with this Easter Sunday dinner.
Bless those whose work to prepare this meal has
truly been a work of prayer, and bless all of us
who shall share it with Easter love and joy.
May You then bless this table and this food,
and each of us in Your holy name. Amen.
♥ Easter is the day of happiness and joy,
that we see you again, you walked with us,
you ate with us, you gave the guide,
that how to climb heaven’s ladder undie.
♥ The earth was uncleaned,
so the people were,
some were suffering, some ruling,
some victims, some kings,
you equaled us all,
told us listen to heart,
that heart never lies,
heart’s way is the God’s way.
♥ Thy light on us always shine,
never we be corrupted of
this materialistic bribe,
be humble, be noble we be,
towards all human beings,
as thou showeth us,
we thy disciples,
thou art King, Jesus.
♥ We hold your finger,
walk by you, you ahead,
we behind by you,
you tell where to step,
where you go, we follow,
Oh Lord, just mercy on us.
♥ Easter day, you resurrect,
though you never die at all,
none could kill you,
what happened, was just play of you,
that about who are you,
you’re the lord of lord, Oh Jesus,
we all bow down to you,
We love you.
♥ We cried, when you went,
we almost died, when you went,
without you this world was dire,
all murder and coward,
you came, told us where our destiny laid,
in you and in your grace.
Short Easter Poems for Family and Friends
♥ Lie I not before you,
swear I before you,
that I only want you,
Easter is your day and always be of you,
and we love you.
♥ How to lead life, teach us,
how to run in this materialistic world,
teach us,how to be near you, teach us,
how to remain truthful, teach us,
how to keep faith and belief in me
and you, teach us,
oh Jesus merciful, bear us,
bear us and teach your children
how to wade through dark,
and be of you,
this dark is so gloomy,
and I’m not as wise as you,
so teach us, how to lead in life
and how to be in peace of you.
♥ Dear Lord Jesus Christ, by Your radiant
and magnificent resurrection,
You broke the bonds of death and rose
from the grave as a conqueror.
You reconciled Heaven and earth.
Our life had no hope of eternal happiness
before You redeemed us.
Your resurrection has washed away
our sins, restored our innocence,
and brought us joy. How inestimable is
the tenderness of Your love!
♥ The veil of darkness transformed
to the brightest light.
The most dreadful end became
the most beautiful beginning.
The depths of despair fade to reveal
hope everlasting.
The curse of death defeated
by eternal life.
♥ Lord Jesus Christ, I rejoice
and rejoice continually in Your glorious
and triumphant victory over death.
For Your victory is my victory.
Help me to live by it, in it, and for it.
I am grateful to my depths
grateful forever. Amen.
♥ Forgive, if not understood your glory,
forgive, if not on your path, we sorry,
forgive, if not understood virtues you laid,
forgive , if not believe in you, and your grace,
forgive, if not kept everlasting faith in you,
forgive, if not we seen that you showed to us,
forgive, if on your tomb we didn’t come,
not laid flowers and ignore you,
now we want to be in your shelter,
now we want to be in light of you,
enlighten us and show us the way,
by which we hook and never at bay,
Forgive us, If we ever done wrong to you.
Inspirational Easter Poems About Easter
♥ Jesus Christ the great we request;
on this Easter, you visit our homes and lands;
eat with us;
we cook for you best;
share your journey and stories;
how in your heaven party;
we pray you always;
instruct us how to further in life;
how our devotion gets multiplied;
oh Christ the great visit our homes
and lands; Amen!
♥ Lord, the resurrection of Your Son has given us
new life and renewed hope. Help us to live
as new people in pursuit of the Christian ideal.
Grant us wisdom to know what we must do,
the will to want to do it, the courage to undertake it,
the perseverance to continue to do it,
and the strength to complete it.
♥ May the glory and the promise of this
joyous time of year bring peace and happiness
to you and those you hold most dear.
And may Christ, Our Risen Savior,
always be there by your side to bless you
most abundantly and be your loving guide.
♥ The proof of miracle you have given and the day called Easter in your remembrance;
you walk with us; you eat with us;
you take all troubles of us;
now you reside in paradise;
we call you again to come to this earth as your holy land;
may you resurrect us again from all evils and filthy trends;
this world needs you come again;
as we rejoice in spring time Easter;
put your holy feet in our homes and friends’;
♥ You spread love;
you give love; Jesus Christ you are holy love;
on the day of Easter it is all blessings;
as your coming we celebrate from morning;
show us path, show us light;
give us vigil ;
as your children, give us your time;
we all need you ; be with us forever;
in our heart we find you;
but please show us your glance;
may you reign forever;
may you rein us in right direction; Amen!
Happy Easter Prayers with Easter Blessings
♥ Father, thank You for the miracle of life
abundant life here, and eternal life with You
in Heaven. Help me celebrate that life every day
as I seek You and follow Your plan for my life.
Today, I say with the Apostle Paul,
“Where, O death is your victory?
Where, O death is your sting?”
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
♥ Christ is risen: The world below lies desolate.
Christ is risen: The spirits of evil are fallen.
Christ is risen: The angels of God are rejoicing.
Christ is risen: The tombs of the dead are empty.
Christ is risen indeed from the dead,
the first of the sleepers!
Glory and Power are His for ever and ever! Amen.
♥ Lord, we lift our hearts to you.
As the dawn breaks, may we carry the unity
we share into every moment knowing that
we are one with the risen Christ.
♥ Lord, we lift our eyes to you. As the sun rises,
may this moment stay with us,
reminding us to look for the beautiful colors of
promise in your word.
♥ Lord, we lift our prayers to you.
As the dew air falls, may we breathe
this morning in and know
that like the earth,
you sustain us, keep us and
work within us always.
And so, we lift our voices to you.
We celebrate the greatest day in history,
when Jesus rose from death,
defeated darkness and
bathed the world in stunning
resurrection light.
May we ever live to praise you! Amen.
Christian Easter Poems – Religious Easter Poetry
♥ Dear God,
Thank You for the resurrection of Your Son, Jesus.
We want to celebrate Him every day of our lives.
In a world that grows increasingly dark,
help us hold up His light. Give us the courage to
speak as boldly as Mary Magdalene did,
and never be ashamed of proclaiming
Your Good News. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
♥ Lord Jesus,
How can I ever repay You for what You’ve done?
Thank You for paying the debt for my life.
Thank You for erasing my sin and calling me Your own.
I am no longer a slave to sin or in debt to a holy God.
I am a child of God. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
♥ Heavenly Father,
Thank you for sending Jesus to save me
from my sins. Thank you that you loved me
enough to send a perfect sacrifice,
so that we could live together eternally.
I confess that I am a sinner and need forgiveness.
I ask you to come into my heart, and
I commit to following Jesus as my personal Lord
and Savior. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
♥ We take you on our shoulders oh the Christ great;
to make you visit what you have brought us in our hearts and lands; none like you and none could be;
you are forever merciful and ever be;
in your memory we joy in Easter;
in your company we rejoice forever;
such our luck how graceful you are;
because you forever remain in our heart; Amen!
♥ You give us strength that we never lie to you;
you give us strength to forgive; you fill our paths with lights; when we wake up ; rainbow smiles;
you never abandon us; keep us in your lap;
we all are your children; and you are our father the great;
let us celebrate Easter together with Christ the great; Amen!
♥ Death could not hold you; she is your slave;
it is the journey that you take to meet your father for what your next step;
you resurrect; giving us hope ;
that when you believe in God;
miracles happen a lot; life be as you believe;
bless us Christ that we make our life as we want to be;
with your blessings and signs; Amen!
♥ May peace and happiness dwell;
where you are Christ, you get hailed;
bestow on us flowers and shine;
we know you are our savior;
lift us from dirt and dice;
may we pray your everyday ;
may you listen to us;
we follow you as you thus;
♥ Easter is your day; a day of celebration;
Christ the great; it is day of hope and newness;
you give us the life; may you save us from death;
may you never let us sin; may we always do our best;
hurdles and spikes you remove from our life;
may we not be cripples ; hold our hands; Amen!
♥ Christ; be our guest;
rest and take breath;
we are here for you and there also;
may you please take rest;
you have done a lot for us;
may you take please breather;
you divine grace;
tell us what we do for you further;
we cook for you Easter meal;
wine be served; we pray to you ;
please bless us; if we lose our path;
instill in us your belief ;
Oh Christ; be our guest; Amen!
♥ You take us from dark to light;
you take us from idleness to strength;
you take us from past to future;
you take us from disturb to calm;
you take us from chaos to confidence;
you take us from enmity to friendship ;
you take us from death to life;
you take us from miseries to richness;
Christ the great please take us; Amen!
♥ Happy all be who in the company of Christ be;
happy those be who celebrate of Easter and shine be;
get together and weave the thread of love and kindness;
let us spread the holy message of Christ;
in his company all be perfect and fine;
let us decorate the trees and eggs
it is Easter fest;
rejoice, enjoy because Christ has come again;
to fill our heart with loveness;
be his disciples ; be his subjects; oh our king ;
you are the great; you are the great; Amen!
Best Easter Poems – Beautiful Poems About Easter for Kids
♥ Dear Lord,
Draw my thoughts upward toward
You every minute of every day,
but especially this Easter.
Help me resist the temptation to focus on
the painful things of this earthly life
and learn to control my thoughts
so they don’t sink my faith or joy in You.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
♥ Dear Lord, may I realize afresh today
what Your death and resurrection mean for me.
Forgiveness, freedom, and the ability to walk with You
through this fallen world into eternity.
May I always find my satisfaction in You
and Your willingness to offer Yourself to me.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
♥ These times are frightening, Lord.
Headlines daily deliver troubling news.
If we dwell there, Father, we will lose all hope.
Thank You for Your protection and the promises
we have in Your word. Nothing can separate us from Your
love and the victory achieved by Christ at the cross.
He is our hope and ever present help in trouble.
Thank You, Father. We have no need to fear.
You will never leave nor forsake Your own!
♥ May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
be with us this day. May this meal be
blessed as we gather to celebrate together.
May your love be shared amongst us as
we enjoy the gift of fellowship.
♥ May we remember to give out the grace
and forgiveness that you have freely given us.
And may we always give thanks for
your sacrificial love. Amen.
♥ Lord, death could not hold You.
And because of You, the resurrection,
we, too, can live. Thank You that
the grave is only a journey into the presence of God.
You have removed the sting of death
and empowered this thing called life.
Now I will live in Your presence forever. Amen.
♥ God made you and God made me,
He made the world for us to see.
God loves you and long ago,
He sent his Son to tell us so.
Jesus showed us many things,
To love and share and dance and sing.
To learn and pray, to help and care,
He promised he’d always be there.
He died but then came back to life,
let’s celebrate for he’s alive! Amen.
♥ Lord, as we gather together as family
and friends; we invite you once again
into our lives. May the hope of your
resurrection color our days.
♥ May the promise of your spirit working
in us light up our lives.
May the love you revealed to us
shape our giving. May the truth
in your word guide our journeys
and may the joy of your kingdom
fill our homes.
♥ As we gather together underneath
the banner of your life, we thank you
for all the wonderful food that
we can now enjoy and celebrate
your glorious resurrection.
Thank you Lord. Amen.
♥ Lord God, Jesus cried out to you on the cross,
“Why have you forsaken me?” You seemed so far from his cry
and from his distress. Those who stood at the foot of
the cross wondered where you were, as they saw Jesus mocked
and shamed and killed. Where were you then?
Lord God, we, too, ask where you are when there is
trouble and suffering and death, and we cry out to you
for help. Be near to us and save us so that
we may praise you for your deliverance.
Lord God, we wait, on Friday, for the resurrection of
Sunday. And sometimes our lives seem a succession of
Fridays and we cannot see what is “Good.”
Teach us to call your name as Jesus did.
Make us to trust in you like little children.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
The fact that good will always rise, even from the dead, and evil will always fall down, even if it is sitting on the throne, is brilliantly communicated by the fact that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead. We, like Jesus, have the ability to resurrect our souls and forgive ourselves of any and all sins that we have committed up until this point. Everyone possesses the ability to show contrition for their sins and resurrect themselves thanks to God’s provision of that power. Putting aside all of the enjoyable aspects of Easter, such as Easter eggs and gifts, we have penned down some happy Easter prayers that will undeniably rekindle your faith in Jesus Christ and quickly convey your heartfelt messages to God. We hope you find these prayers to be a blessing this Easter. All that you need to know about Jesus Christ, including his triumph over sin, can be found in these prayers for a happy Easter.