For you to give to that particular someone, I have gathered several I Am So Proud Of You and the Person You Are Becoming quotations below.
Cutest I M So Proud of You
1. I’m so proud of you, my dearest sister! You have always been the overachiever in our family, and I guess the fact still holds true with your latest achievement! Remember to take a break once in a while too, alright?
2. I am so proud of you, baby. You’ll always be my superwoman with all the wonderful feelings that you are able to easily bring to me. I hope that you’ll never let anyone tell you otherwise!
3. You have been given many tough challenges in life, including some very tough challenges from me, but you have come out of them a stronger person. With every new challenge comes to a new strength. You make me so happy! I can’t love you enough! You are a wonderful son and a wonderful friend.
4. If you ever feel that you are lacking, remember our words. We’re proud of you – everything that you were, everything that you are and everything that you’re going to become. Remember that always, our dearest son.
5. No one is perfect, and we are all doing our best. I know very well that you’re doing what you can too, and that is why I am proud of you. I always will be.
6. I am so proud of you and the person you are becoming. I know in my heart that you are destined for greatness! Stay true to yourself, your family, and your dreams. You are passionate about life and it is contagious. I love you more than the moon, the sun, and all the stars in the world.
7. I’m proud of you, and I always will be. Never for a moment think that I see you as anything less than amazing. Stay confident and proud!
8. I love you, always and forever. You are such a bright light in my life and I am so lucky to have you. I am so proud of you and the person you are becoming. I can’t wait to see what amazing thing you will do next!
9. I heard about your success at work today, and I am so proud of you! I know that you’ll be achieving much more in the time to come, and I’m just excited to see what you’ll be doing in the years to come.
10. It’s amazing that you’re doing so much at your age, but I do worry about you sometimes because you’re really doing way too much! I’m proud of you, my dear, but do stop and smell the flowers sometimes!
11. You have worked so hard to achieve all your goals and dreams. I know how much this means to you and I could not be happier for you! You deserve all you have worked for and anything else that comes your way because you really are the most amazing person. Keep striving for greatness, baby!!!
12. Your dad and I could not be prouder of you. You make us both very happy. Everything you do inspires me. Keep growing into the wonderful man you are becoming! We love you so much.
13. Though we may see things differently, I am so proud of you and the person you are becoming. I love your character and the generosity it brings out in others. I never want you to forget what a truly amazing person you are, inside and out. Never lose that inner light that warms my heart and makes me smile just thinking about you. You have such a big heart and whenever someone else is struggling you always volunteer to help them out. Your good attitude, gentle spirit and kind soul is rare.
14. You made us feel so blessed to have you around – I hope that one day you too will have someone you can feel proud of, so that you can finally understand how I feel!
15. I don’t think you’ll ever understand just how we feel about you, my dearest daughter. You have never disappointed us in all the 23 years that you’ve been with us, and we cannot be more proud of you than we are right now.
16. Every day I see you grow and mature, and I can’t help but be amazed at the man you are becoming. I know you still have much to learn, and I hope each new adventure along this journey of life reminds you of how important it is to honor your faith, always try your hardest, and do the right thing even when no one else is watching. You have an endless capacity for wisdom and compassion. Always trust your heart because it will never lead you astray.
17. I’m so proud of you! I love the nice man that you are becoming, how you respect others, how you love and honor me (and our family) and all that you do to make me smile. If I were, to sum up, who you are in one sentence, it would be: ‘You’re a great husband and father, and the best person I’ve ever met!’
18. You are so smart and so funny. When I think of my future, I can only imagine myself with you by my side. You are the only one who truly makes me happy, and I know you will be the man that makes me smile forever. You bring out the best in me that no one else could ever do, and I love you for that.
19. I love everything about you, your smile, your sense of humor, your voice, your warmth but most of all I love how you have grown to be a person with such a kind and giving heart. I am so proud of you and the person you are becoming.
20. It might not be much but we just want you to know that you’re worthy of love, happiness and care just like everyone else if not more. You’re worth it, and we’re proud of you.
Proud Of You Quotes
22. You hold my heart and soul in your hands and I feel so safe and comfortable there. Growing up, I never thought we would be here, but we proved all the doubters wrong and came out victorious. I am so proud of you and the person you are becoming. You are successful in business, an amazing father, a great husband, a loving son, brother, uncle, cousin, boyfriend whew! And most importantly you are successful in life! I love you more than words could describe!
23. I’m proud of the young man you are becoming. The way you make me proud over and over again is by living the life you want to live rather than trying to live up to someone else’s expectations. I’m proud of the person you want people to see when they look at you without even saying anything because that person that they see has integrity, compassion, and many other qualities that show in your actions. I know who you are deep inside and it makes me love you every day by day.
24. Words will never fully explain just how proud I am for who you have turned out to be today. You are someone deserving of all the good things in the world, and I truly hope that you will get them all one day.
25. We watched you grow up as we raise you from a tiny little person in your mother’s womb, and our hearts swell with pride to see the person that you have grown into today. We love you, and we’re proud of you!
26. We heard about your latest achievement from your parents and we just want to say that we’re so proud of you! You’ve always been the best student in our entire expanded family, and it seems like you always will be!
27. I find myself looking at you in awe. As if it’s the first time I see your big brown eyes or hug your strong arms. I look at the person that you are becoming, that you work hard to be every day, and I fall in love with who you are more and more. You are an incredible man! And even though you are my boyfriend right now, I will always think of you as my man. I love you beyond words, beyond any feeling imaginable.
28. It’s just not in our culture to say that we are proud of anyone, but I want you to know that you truly do make me feel proud.
29. You are the most beautiful human being I have ever been blessed to know. Through the good times and the bad, you have been my rock. I love you so much, and I’m so glad that you found me to share your life with.
30. Every achievement, big or small, we know about them all. You make us so proud to have someone so self-driven as our child, and we hope that you never lose your passion for life!
31. We’re proud of you! Whatever it is that you set your mind to, you always find your way to achieve it. You surely are the definition of being stubborn in a good way!
32. Hey you, all I ever wanted was for you to be happy. You are so strong and determined to be the best person you can possibly be, I am so proud of that. You always believe in yourself and never give up. Be patient, don’t rush anything. Life is about experiences and the memories you make will last forever. I love you so much, baby girl.’
33. Many people would tell you that you should honor your parents – even the bible says the same! But we have to say that we too, are proud to have you as our beloved child.
34. Today is a big day for you and I can’t be happier. The person I see in you, I could never have imagined and the future holds so many possibilities. You’ve got this and I can’t wait to see what happens next! You are the love of my life. I am proud of you!
35. You are such a wonderful human being and I could not be prouder to be dating you. Everything about you is so perfect to me and I know that we can achieve so much together. You always bring such joy into my life, and every day with you is a better day than the last.
36. I love you with all my heart and I can’t wait to see who you become. One day you will be a man that makes me very proud!
37. We don’t need to be your parents to feel proud of you. We’ll always be honored to have known you and been friends with you, even if we’ve only known each other for a few semesters.
38. I’m so proud of who you’ve become. You’re a kind and loving person, always making others feel important. You care so much about others well-being, thinking of them before you think about yourself. You are so intelligent and I know your future is bright! I love every trait about you! As I watch you grow, I fall more in love with you every day.
39. My best friend, my lover, my soul mate, my husband. I am so proud of you and the person you are becoming. You truly amaze me every day and I can’t wait to see what the future brings for us.
40. You have changed so much since I first met you. You have gone from a boy to a man, a boy afraid of his own shadow, to a strong and confident young man. I am so proud of you for stepping out of your shell and conquering the fears you have been battling for so long. I love you so much!
41. Cheers to everything that made you who you are! You’re an amazing person, and we’re so proud to have someone so kind and understanding as our classmate. You’re the best!
42. The moment you came into our lives as our child, you have changed it for the better. We want you to know that we are proud of everything you have achieved, and we know that you’re going to achieve even more.
I Am Proud Of You
44. Your bravery is inspiring to me. You have been through so much more than anyone of your age should have to, but you have survived it all. You are a true gift from God and one that I am so thankful he gave you to me. I hope that no matter what you do in life, you Yourself as much as I do!
45. I am so proud of you and I’m seeing you becoming the person that you want to be. I never expected to fall in love with such an amazing person that would turn into such a beautiful woman. You’re such an inspiration to me and were such a great help in my life when I needed it most.
46. I am so proud of you. I don’t tell you often enough, but I know how hard you work and what a great effort you put forth every day. You are working towards your goals and making me so proud of who you are becoming. You deserve all the success in the world!
47. Today you are graduating from High School. I am so proud of you and the person you are becoming. Today is special because today, on the day that thousands of other students are receiving their diplomas, your name will be called out in front of everyone for all to hear, your name has received a diploma with honors.
48. Every day you amaze me, you do so many things right and I fall more in love with you. Your beautiful spirit shines through and no matter what happens in life I will always be here to support you.
49. You are so wonderful to be around. You always have a smile on your face and try to help others. I hope that you always stay that person, it makes me want to be even more like you. Love you, baby, keep it up!
50. You are my best friend, my lover, my everything. I couldn’t ask for a better partner in life. I am very happy that you are by my side to guide me through this journey. We may struggle at times but together we are strong and nothing will get in the way of our love. Each day I want to spend getting to know your heart more deeply. I am so thankful beyond words to have you!
51. Life hasn’t always been kind to us, but you were always my pillar of strength. For that, I salute you for being so strong through it all. I’m proud of you, and I hope that you will find your own happiness one day.