The Secret To Happiness For A Holiday

The Secret To Happiness For A Holiday

During the holidays, happiness is what everyone anticipates. The period leading up to the holidays, however, can still have a significant impact on how people subconsciously view family and everything else! What feelings and convictions are connected to particular people, occasions, memories, circumstances, and experiences? What response do you have to these over the holidays?

“Thought is an energy, an unseen but real power,” asserts Roberto Assagioli, a renowned Italian psychiatrist and pioneer in the fields of humanistic and transpersonal psychology. Everything we do, including developing our attitudes, relationships, and way of life, is based on thought. Everything that happens on Earth has its practical origins in the world of the mind. Finding out what thoughts and beliefs you have stored in your subconscious mind is crucial.

Fear is the same as tension, disagreement, hostility, resentment, guilt, envy, shame, violence, etc. You are living in fear if you experience any of the feelings listed below. Don’t allow fear to rule your life!

Stressful circumstances can cause your energy to become stuck during the holidays. It is toxic and restricts the free flow of energy.

The body’s oxygen flow is reduced by this trapped energy, which also causes physiological changes that activate your survival mechanisms. Your immune system and adrenal glands are consequently negatively impacted by hormonal and blood sugar abnormalities.

How then can you be content? Recognize that fear is destructive. Your energy is sapped by it, and it paralyzes, steals your confidence, overrides reason, and is addictive. When you react out of fear, your fight-or-flight response engages, your energy is diverted, and stress is the outcome.

Fear overrides logic and undermines self-assurance. Fear overrides logic because it teaches your subconscious mind to react out of habit rather than using your brain’s intellect, which causes the fight-or-flight response to be triggered at the wrong times and in the wrong situations. Fear is a drug.

“At the core of all addiction is a fear of intimacy, in particular, an intimate knowing of self,” claims Dr. Anthena Staik. Because it triggers a hormonal secretion that continuously stimulates the pleasure center of the brain, fear is addictive. Dr. Staik continues, “Toxic thoughts may depict ourselves and others in terms of scarcity, misery, or failure, but they are actually defense mechanisms that come into play automatically when something triggers us. As a result, our body links them to false “feel good” emotions that, albeit ineffectively and temporarily, reduce our anxiety.

Fear can teach us a lot. There is a lesson or challenge in your life that needs to be addressed when you are put in stressful situations, so you should take note. What was said or done to make you feel threatened, angry, or fearful?

What did you think of the circumstances? Was there another way to interpret it or react to it? Did you really pay attention to what the other person was saying or doing, or did your reaction come from ingrained beliefs?

It’s crucial to recognize the distinction between hearing and listening. Being present long enough to fully observe a situation, hear what the other person is saying, and discern any potential feelings or sounds they may be experiencing is what it means to listen. What led to the attitude change? Do you feel a solution coming to pass?

You can move into changing or rectifying a situation for both you and the other person by practicing mindful listening. God, he really needs to get a handle on things, your ego-mind might be saying. However, if you’re coming from a more profound place of awareness and compassion, you’ll genuinely want to resolve whatever problem exists between you and the other person.

The energy will be amplified wherever you focus your attention. You won’t be able to hear your inner voice of wisdom and love if you focus on listening to your anger, resentment, and rage.

So try the technique before the holidays start. During the holidays, it will result in happy actions and reactions that will make you feel good!