Top 77 Life Quotes Motivational And Leadership Quote Life Sayings

We have collected massive list of bookmark worthy and inspiring leadership quotes from some of the greatest visionaries of our times. Whether you’re leading a huge team or just trying to climb the career ladder, these inspirational and motivational management quotes can help provide some useful wisdom on how best to deploy your leadership strategy.

Top 77+ Life Quotes Motivational And Leadership Quote Life Sayings “Allow your enemies their space to hate; they will destroy themselves in the process.

Looking for the leadership inspiring thoughts “If at first, you don’t succeed, be strong, get back up, and try again.”

Life Quotes Motivational And Leadership Quote Life Sayings
Life Quotes Motivational And Leadership Quote Life Sayings

Top Life Quotes Motivational

“1. Things end. People change. And you know what? Life goes on.”

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“2. If they stand behind you, give them protection. If they stand beside you, give them respect. If they stand against you, show them no mercy.”

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“3. It takes grace to remain kind in cruel situations”

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“4. If we all do one random act of kindness daily, we just might set the world in the right direction.”

“5. Gossip dies when it hits a wise person’s ears.”

“6. Stay hungry”

“7. The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams”

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“8. The best revenge is massive success.”

“9. Be the best thinking always best and the rest.”

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“10. Look while they sleep. Learn while they party. Save while they spend. Live like they dream.”

“11. I’ve been stabbed in the back by those i needed most. I’ve been lied to by those i love. And i have felt alone when I couldn’t afford to be. But at the end of the day, I had to learn to be my own best friend, because there’s going to be days where no-one is going to be there for me but myself.”

“12. “If fear paralyzes you, you’re lost”

“13. If only our tongues were made of glass how much more careful we would be when we speak”

“14. They will miss you when they fall to replace you.”

“15. Complaining is silly. Either act or forget.”

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“16. No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness…”

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“17. “Old ways won’t open new doors.”

“18. Life is not like a box of chocolates. It’s more like a jar of jalapenos: What you do today can burn your ass tomorrow!”

“19. “Rule no 1: Don’t think others and what they think.”

“20. If you start now, you’ll begin seeing results one day earlier than if you start tomorrow.”

“21. I don’t stop when i’m tired. I stop when it’s done.”

“22. We repeat what we don’t repair.”

“23. Be strong move on it’s time for you to be happy again!”

“24. “One of the risks of being quiet is that the other people can fill your silence with their own interpretation: You’re bored. You’re depressed. You’re shy. You’re stuck up. You’re judgemental. When others can’t read us, they write their own story- not always one we choose or that’s true to who we are.””

“25. While on this ride called life, you have to take the good with the bad. Smile when you’re sad, love what you’ve got & remember what you had. Always forgive, but never forget. Learn from your mistakes, but never regret. People change, things go wrong. Just remember the ride goes on!”

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“26. Be humble all situations and Ready to act Be Ready.”

“27. Beauty is dangerous. But intelligence is lethal.”

“28. People don’t decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.”

“29. Loyalty isn’t grey. It’s black and white. you’re either loyal completely, or not loyal at all. And people have to understand this. You can’t be loyal only when it serves you.”

“30. Speak when you’re angry & you’ll make the best speech you’ll ever regret.”

“31. When you make a choice, you also choose the consequence.”

“32. We cannot change the cards we’re dealt just how we play the hand”

“33. When you build in silence, they don’t know what to attack”

“34. Stop trying to create a new you around the same old people…”

“35. Whatever doesn’t kill you simply makes you stranger”

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“36. Your strongest muscle and worst enemy is your mind. Train it well.”

“37. Good pople are like candles; They burn themselves up to give others light”

“38. Move in silence. Only speak when it’s time to say checkmate”

“39. “Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.””

Leadership Quote Life Sayings

“40. Laugh with many don’t trust any”

“41. To be the best you must be able to handle the worst”

“42. The fake get in where they fit in the real stand strong where they belong”

“43. “Irony of life. People doubt the truth but easily believe the lies.””

“44. “If you’re searching for that one person that will change your life, look in the mirror.””

“45. People are not addicted to alcohol or drugs, they are addicted to escaping reality.”

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“46. To have a strong heart you must first lose your mind.”

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“47. The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.”

“48. Forget the mistake: Remember the lesson”

“49. “Understand me… I do not have time for things that have no soul.””

“50. So lets ignore each other, try to pretend the other person doesn’t exist, but deep down, we both know it wasn’t supposed to end like this.”

“51. Don’t fear failure fear being in the exact same place next year as you are today”

“52. Stop telling people more than they need to know”

“53. One day this pain will make sense to you.”

“54. If you expect the world to be fair with you because you are fair, you’re footing yourself. That’s like expecting the lion not to eat you because you didn’t eat him.”

“55. People hate what they don’t understand.”

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“56. You will never understand the damage you did to others until the same thing is done to you. And that’s why i’m here.”

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“57. Just be real. It’s not that complicated.”

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“58. Fake it’s the latest trend, and everone seems to be in style.”

“59. Among the things in my life i thank god for most, is the love he gave me for animals. My heart would be emptier, and life would be less without them.”

“60. If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride – and never quit, you’ll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards.”

“61. The days that break you are the days that make you”

“62. “My sears tell a story. They are a reminder of when life tried to break me, but failed.””

Top Inspirational Life Quotes

“63. Travel and tell no one, live a true love story and tell no one, live happily and tell no one, people ruin beautiful things.”

“64. Not everyone around you is your friend.”

“65. Be careful, not everyone who smiles at you is your friend.”

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“66. You don’t need to pretend to be strong. You need to give yourself some credit, love yourself, take actions that spring from your deepest values and highest self. The strength will emerge from there. Give it time.”

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“67. Don’t quit what’s right for you just because it isn’t easy. Honor the struggle that comes with real, growth, love and contributions.”

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“68. I want to take great photos, eat fresh fruit, wear great bikinis, love one man, and travel the world.”

“69. Forgive people in your life, even those who are not sorry for their actions. Holding on to anger only hurts you, not them.”

“70. Your level of engagement and enthusiasm will skyrocket when you decide to participate only in projects you can be fully invested in and be a part of from beginning to end. Either find those projects, ask for them, or create them. you’ll be thankful you did.”

“71. We give too many excuses that fear is holding us back as if it were something we had no control over. Most fear, outside of real physical threat, is simply bad management of the mind.”

“72. Be an example of the kind of conduct you wish to see in the world. Do not expect love, excellence or generosity if you do not radiate such things.”

“73. A magical peace enters your life the moment you decide to no longer be an attention seeking drama queen.”

“74. Only in lifting others up shall you rise.”

“75. Accepting that more difficulty comes with more success allows one to awake with a sense of realism and radiness, to anticipate problems and be prepared for them, to maintain calm when the winds topple lesser men.”

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“76. We must be patient and gracious in dealing with life’s inconveniences. Love, peace and greatness rest on this ability.”

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“77. Always be aware when people try to persuade you with fear. Pushing fear reveals selfish intent.”

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No matter how big your team, sometimes it’s just you–which means you sometimes need to look inside yourself for motivation and inspiration. Or you can find personal inspiration from someone who has been there, done that…and done it well. Here are some of my favorite leadership quotes.