No matter what you’re into, there are books out there that’ll totally inspire you to chase your dreams. Hey Martin Meadows! I wanted to chat about your book “How to Think Bigger: Aim Higher, Get More Motivated, and Accomplish Big Things.” There’s a bigger goal than just being successful in life. It’s about bending down and helping humanity rise up a bit. Henry vanDyke Quotes that are Worth Living By Top 55+ Inspirational And Motivational Quotes And Ambition Quote “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” —Eleanor Roosevelt
Browse our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous ambition quotes and ambition sayings Looking for the inspirational words to encourage your success “Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.” —Sam Levenson
Inspirational And Motivational Quotes
“1. If you have been brutally broken but still have the courage to be gentle to others, then you deserve a love deeper than the ocean itself.”
“2. Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others, not realizing that everyone has a different question paper.”
“3. You don’t meet people by accident. There is always a reason: a blessing or a lesson.”
“4. There are 4 very important words in life: love, honesty, truth and respect. Without these in your life, you have nothing.”
“5. Never give up because great things take time.”
“6. How beautiful it is to stay silent when someone expects you to be enraged.”
“7. I used to spend so much time reacting and responding to everyone else that my life had no direction. Other people’s lives, problems, and wants set the course for my life. Once I realized it was okay for me to think about and identify what I wanted, remarkable things began to take place in my life.”
“8. She is delightfully chaotic; a beautiful mess. Loving her is a splendid adventure.”
“9. You have to do what is right for yourself nobody else is walking in your shoes.”
“10. In most cases, negative comments from others are their own fears or insecurity being projected onto you. If you allow them to, these doubts will seep in and throw you off your path. It is important to have positivity around you during this time. Only share your dream with people that you know will support your endeavors.”
“11. Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.”
“12. When you feel like stopping think about why you started.”
“13. When we are ready to make changes in our life we attract what we need to help us.”
“14. Our reaction to a situation literally has the power to change the situation itself.”
“15. Don’t carry your mistakes around with you. Instead, place them under your feet and use them as stepping stones to rise above them.”
“16. Life has taught me that you can’t control someone’s loyalty. No matter how good you are to them, doesn’t mean that they will treat you the same. No matter how much they mean to you, doesn’t mean that they’ll value you the same. Sometimes the people you love the most, turn out to be the people you can trust the least.”
“17. SUCCESS See your goal Understand the obstacles Create a positive mental picture Clear your mind of self doubt Embrace the challenge Stay on track Show the world you can do it!”
“18. A true friend accepts who you are but also helps you become who you should be.”
“19. Smile at somebody today, you never know what is happening in their lives and what comfort you may bring them.”
“20. I am lucky to have a friend like you.”
“21. If you can’t explain it simply. You don’t understand it well enough.”
“22. Being on this planet is such an amazingly wonderful gift and I intend to open that gift daily and enjoy it the best way I can. Every. Single. Day.”
“23. Don’t let people know too much about you.”
“24. As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.”
“25. You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it is better to listen to what it has to say.”
“26. I love my eyes when you look into them. I love my name when you say it. I love my heart when you touch it. I love my life when you are in it.”
“27. Make a mind which never minds.. Make a heart which never hurts.. Make a touch which never pains.. & Make a relation which never ends.. Good morning”
“28. Just because I post something doesn’t mean I’m going through it. I might just like the quotes.”
“29. The love of a family is life’s greatest blessing good morning.”
“30. We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”
“31. With freedom books, flowers, and the moon, who could not be happy?”
“32. Standing alone is better than being around people who don’t value you.”
“33. Go the extra mile.. its never crowded.”
“34. Never explain yourself to anyone… Because the person who likes you doesn’t need it, and the person who dislikes you won’t believe it.”
“35. Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.”
“36. The truth is still the truth, even if no one believes it. A lie is still a lie, even if everyone believes it.”
“37. God’s plan is always more beautiful than our desire.”
“38. To my mother, may every tear that has ever fallen from your tired eyes on my behalf become a river for you in Paradise.”
“39. Having someone who can handle all your moods is such a blessing.”
“40. Life is not qualified by fluent English, branded clothes or a rich lifestyle. It is measured by the number of faces who smile when they hear your name!”
“41. Forgive anyone who has caused you pain or harm. Keep in mind that forgiving is not for others. It is for you. Forgiving is not forgetting. It is remembering without anger. It frees up your power, heals your body, mind and spirit. Forgiveness opens up a pathway to a new place of peace where you can persist despite what has happened to you.”
“42. Money says: Earn me, forget everything. Time says: Follow me, forget everything. Future says: Struggle for me, forget everything. God says: Just remember me, I’ll give you everything.”
“43. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
“44. Psychology says if you miss someone there are 70% chances the person will come to your dream.”
Top Ambition Quote
“45. Things end, people change. And you know what? Life goes on.”
“46. No matter how much you hurt me, you will always have a special place in my heart.”
“47. Your mistakes do not define you.”
“48. Some people don’t change. They just find new ways to lie.”
“49. You only get one chance in life, so do your best to make it count, in whatever way that is meaningful to you.”
“50. Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.” —Norman Vincent Peale”
“51. One best book is equal to hundred good friends but one good friend is equal to a library.”
“52. It never gets easier you just get better.”
“53. The lesson. Not everyone you love will stay. Not everyone you trust will be loyal. Some people only exist as examples of what to avoid.”
“54. Shakespeare once said: I cried when I had no shoes, but stopped crying when I saw a man without legs! Life is full of blessings, sometimes we don’t value it!”
“55. I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so you can learn to let go. Things go wrong so you can appreciate them when they’re right. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together.”
The Ambition Scorecard is like this super cool and motivating thing that you can use throughout your whole life. It’s pretty awesome, honestly. Get your copy today. These quotes came up when he was talking to entrepreneurs, but they can apply to anyone who wants to create a better future based on their own ambition. If you’re feeling like you’re about to throw in the towel, need to change your mindset to get back in the game, or just need a little boost, Check it out!